How Humidity Affects an HVAC System?

Global warming raises the average temperature of the earth. And as a result, the scorching summer becomes a lot more unbearable for people. The best way to transform this situation into a pleasing one is by installing a good air-conditioning system in your workplace or at home. As your air-conditioner removes excess humidity from the air, the process tends to take a toll on the system. Thus, your AC's efficiency is damaged. This blog will provide an insight into how humidity affects the heating and cooling systems. So, let's check them out below. Humdity and heating system During the winter, low humidity turns out to be the primary issue in various homes as cold air can't hold as much moisture as warm air. While the furnace remains active for months, humidity severely effects it during the winter. A dramatic drop will make your living area feel cooler than the reading shown by your thermostat. It drops in a way that makes your home a lot cooler than ...